Overview of the Dutch tax system. Information, calculation tools, application forms and the possibility to contact the tax service directly. Some information is available in English
DigiD is an acronym for Digital Identity. This a personal combination of a username and password. You can use your DigiD to identify yourself online. Many government organisations and organisations working for the government offer services through DigiD. Through DigiD.nl you can request for a DigiD.
Site of the Immigration and Naturalisation service for personal and business information. The site offers information for foreigners wanting to live and work in the Netherlands. Some information is available in English
On this site you can check your old-age state pension and the height of the pension you built up while working. You can also check the pension your dependants will get in the event of your death. To login, you need your DigiD.
Information explaining the Dutch pension system.
Joined website of the eleven departments of the Dutch government. Offers information about (proposed) laws, regulations and policy plans. You may for instance find answers to questions like: what is the minimum wage, when am I entitled to rent allowance and what to do in case of an emergency while abroad. You may also find information about the government and the cabinet.
Site of the UWV, the organisation responsible for state allowances. It gives information about the rules when searching for work, information about allowances such as unemployment benefit, rules on applying for an allowance and what to do if you are unemployed, sick or pregnant. Offers forms, brochures and calculation tools. You can login with your DigiD.
Here you can search and apply for vacancies and request unemployment benefit. You can create a personal “Werkmap” to help you find a job. You can login with your DigiD.
Site of the UvA JobService pension insurance company.
Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities.